My Little Monster ≫ My Little Monster Manga Vol. 7
My Little Monster Manga Vol.   7

My Little Monster Manga Vol. 7

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Two outcasts make up an odd couple with great potential for spontaneous combustion in this quirky romantic comedy manga.There’s a Beauty and the Beast element to the story with the “beauty” and “beast” characters revealing layers of their personality as their relationship (of sorts) develops.Funny and odd, this manga will appeal to teens who like a good offbeat romance.11 volumes total. Ages 13 and up.Mizutani is a self-absorbed overachiever, concerned only with maintaining the highest grades in school. Haru is an impulsive short tempered brute, who scares everyone with his explosive bursts of violence. Haru gets suspended on the first day of school when he encounters some bullies harassing a student and dispatches the bullies with great bloody violence. Mizutani is tasked with delivering school materials to Haru who interprets this as an act of friendship and latches on to Mizutani, much to her dismay. And so begins a strange and potentially combustible relationship!Series Overview: Haru Yoshida is feared as an unstable and violent “monster.” Mizutani Shizuku is a grade obsessed student with no friends. Fate brings these two together to form the most unlikely pair. Haru firmly believes he’s in love with Mizutani and she firmly believes he’s insane.

Product details
Department Books / Manga
Publisher Kodansha Comics
Series My Little Monster
Shop Manga & Anime
Primary language English
Product Code ARCHO-104349
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